Art + Giving For years I've stood by my belief that pairing art + giving can be a strong force for social change. 2 years ago, I was given the opportunity to prove that by partnering with Gain Health to create a piece of art that tells a story of global compassion. All proceeds from that compassion map (in a 2 month period) were donated to their program, Future Fortified. In the end, we raised enough money to provide much needed nutrients to infants and children in Kenya- 8,000 children for an entire month. It was my biggest success story. Still is. This year I'm breathing new life to our One Mother to Another Initiative by spearheading a community of...
This week's craft download is this darling little butterfly mask! You can download the rest of the masks on our blog's homepage:)
So, to get started, here's what you need.
We can't wait to see the masks on your kiddos!! Enjoy!
I have a secret I need to share. I've been working on a project for a very long time and I'm about ready to show you all. I'm so very excited about this. Let me explain. I've created a collection of free DIY projects called the Global Guardian Project. I use art to illustrate the stories we need to tell our children. It’s important to show kids that the compassion they have for the people in their lives is the same compassion that everyone in the world deserves. My eco friendly art helps to teach little ones to be mindful and kind, and reminds parents of the importance of sending a positive message. And now, I want to offer the DIY projects...
It's no secret that I love maps. I love maps of all kinds and have used them in my kid's nursery decor since birth. Apart from them being sweet on the eye, maps have a very important purpose for children. They help children gain a greater understanding of the world. Whether it be recognizing all 50 states, knowing where their roots lie, or perhaps tracking past and future adventures, maps teach kids about this big, amazing world and it's rich and unique cultures. It also teaches compassion for our earth. The more children know about the people, environments, cultures, animals and nature, the more connected they'll feel. They'll feel a responsibility to care for it, and all who inhabit the...
Like many, I’ve spent most of my life chasing success, approval and happiness. And like many, I’ve been left feeling bored, empty and unfulfilled. I spent the past 2 years barely hanging on to a rapidly growing business. I was fortunate, I was creative, I was fulfilling my dreams. Except, I wasn’t. I was stressed. I was irritable. I was constantly in fear of the moment all the balls would drop. And mostly I was always a little bit sad. I was forced to shift from an artist to a businesswoman and I didn’t like it. I didn’t have time to create. I had to start outsourcing other artists to keep up with the new design demands. I suffered. And...