Creating a Healthy Home

Who do we love:  Healthy Child Health World

Why we love them: Their Mission is to ignite a movement that empowers parents to protect children from harmful chemicals.

What makes them stand out: Healthy child can help you to host a party to spread the word about how to protect children’s health by creating healthy environments and employing healthy practices, like avoiding pesticides, knowing which products are non toxic and safe, purifying the air indoors, and eating healthy.

Healthy Child will help you by sending a party package that includes:
 - A DVD explaining the 5 easy steps to take in your life to make it less toxic 

 - Samples of safe and wonderful products to give away to everyone at the party
 - Ideas of how to make your own cleaning and care products
 - Easy ways to advocate for our children

What a super fun and engaging way to have friends over with an important purpose in mind! 

Where you can find them: 

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